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Stav Joannides - a freelance graphic & web designer
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Visual Communication

Graphic design, in contrast to many fine art occupations, has a distinct commercial focus. In addition to the fact that the outputs of graphic design are used for marketing, advertising and commercial purposes, it also generally does not involve the usage of traditional mediums used for fine art purposes. As such, graphic designers nowadays need to have a high level of computer and graphics software literacy. What doesn’t change, however, is the fact that designers need to have a highly developed artistic sense.

Good graphic designers are not only excellent visual artists, but seasoned communicators as well. Graphic design is not only about slick looks, but also about clear communication.

It needs to be memorable, brand-true and impactful amid a sea of irrelevant and mediocre visual communications. And the mastery of the many platforms for visual communication takes talent and time.


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